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1.PRICES : The Prices quoted are subject to revision at any time until the order is accepted by BFW. The prices quoted are on Exworks basis.

In the event of postponement of contractual delivery due to customer’s request, inability, interest @ 18% per annum would be charged.

2.PRICE ESCALATION : In case of deliveries beyond the contracted date of delivery, the supply will be charged at the rates ruling on the date of despatch, irrespective of the rates quoted and accepted while booking the order, and irrespective of any payment having already been made towards the prices

3.DUTIES & TAXES : Central Excise Duty, Sales Tax and other Governmental levies, as applicable at the time of despatch will be to the customer’s account.

4.DELIVERY : Delivery promises are based on the current manufacturing programme. BFW will endeavour to keep the date given, but accept no liability for failure to do so. Delay in the delivery quoted shall not render the contract void able on the part of the purchaser and no claim either direct or indirect can be made on BFW on account of delays. In no case shall the purchaser have the right to withhold balance payment or reject on account of delay in delivery. BFW shall have the option of delivering the goods contracted part consignment also

5.LIABILITY : Liabilities will pass over to the customer immediately upon despatch. Ex-works shortages will not be entertained by BFW unless no liability for damages in transit.

6.INSURANCE : Unless otherwise instructed BFW will despatch gods by Road, Freight TO-PAY at owner’s risk and uninsured and BFW accepts no liability for damages in transit.

7.WARRANTY : The machines manufactured by BFW are rested and inspected by the Quality Assurance Dept. of BFW. The liabilities of BFW in respect of any defect in or failure of the machine supplied or for any loss, injury or damage attributed thereto, is limited to making good by replacement or repair defects which under proper use appear therein arise solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship within the warranty period at the termination of which all liabilities cease on the part of BFW. The warranty period is EITHER 14 months from the date of despatch of the machine from BFW or 12 months from the date of the machine being certified by the BFW engineers as ready for the use after the installation at the site. WHICHEVER PERIOD EXPIRES EARLIER. However, the consumables and the normal wear out parts such as carbon brushes, wipes, lamps, fuses, oil filter, etc., are not covered under this warranty for the replacement. The damage to the machine due to any accident is not covered under this warranty. The faulty materials replaced under this warranty must be returned to BFW.

8.CANCELLATION : No order embodying cancellation or penalty clause is acceptable to BFW. In the event of cancellation of an order. BFW reserves the right to forfeit the advance, if any, and to proceed against the customer for recovery of damages.

9.FORCEMAJEURE : BFW shall be under no liability under any contract arising out of their quotation wherever fulfillment of BFW’s or their supplier’s obligations is hindered or prevented by causes beyond their control such as war, strikes, lockouts, fire, accidents, epidemics, failure of supply of electricity or other power, shortage of materials or labour or orders of government or other duly constituted authority acts of goods etc.,

10.STORAGE : When machines and equipments are ready for despatch, BFW shall give appropriate notice to customer, Customer should make his own arrangements to take delivery within 14 days of the date of such notice. In the event of the customer not taking delivery before the stipulated time, BFW shall charge for storage at the rate of Rs.1000/- per day per machine, from 15th day of notice to the date of taking delivery. In the event of customer failing to take the delivery within 30 days from the date of notice, BFW reserves the option to forfeit the customer’s advance and sell the goods at the customer’s risk and cost. The customer shall be liable to BFW for the balance (contract value including duty, taxes and other expenses net of advance if any sale proceeds, net of expense) due against the supply contract.

11.CONTRACT : Will be considered as having been accepted only when it has been confirmed in writing by BFW. Telegraphic and telephonic alteration regarding quantities or specification require written confirmation by BFW and are deemed to be entered into at Bangalore and no proceedings to enforce any claim and no suit arising out of the contract shall be instituted, except in competent court of law within Bangalore Jurisdiction.

12.SPECIFICATION: Illustration drawing descriptive matter, weights power, dimensions and other particulars submitted in connection with BFW’s quotations are approximate only and are without obligation and are not guaranteed.

13. SUPERVISION OF COMMISSIONING: BFW offers the services of expert engineers for supervision of commissioning of the machine supplied upon customer’s request as and when such personnel can be spared. Refer quotation for commissioning charges.

14.AFTER SALES SERVICE : After sales service will be rendered by our Service Engineers upon customers request after the expiry of warranty period on chargeable basis. Kindly contract us for further details.

15.TRAINING : Training will be imparted to a limited number of persons for use and maintenance of the machine free of cost. Boarding,lodging and travel expenses to be borne by the customer.

16.DOCUMENTS : 3 sets of complete manual in English language will be supplied free of cost.
Note: i. The above represents the general agreement.
      II. Any contracts entered on the basis of the above terms cannot be      transferred assigned to any third party.

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