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BMV50 (s) (Fanuc) with Pragati ATC

VMC, Model "BMV50" (S) with 24 Tools Pragati ATC & Fanuc Oi MF+ CNC System

The Vertical Machining Center BMV 50 embodies unparalleled quality, precision, and productivity. Crafted with a C-frame construction and a sturdy base, coupled with a robust spindle and high-precision feed mechanism, these machines boast state-of-the-art technologies. The hallmark of BMV 50 lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate heavy-duty machining with superior accuracies, all built upon the engineering philosophy of Rigidity, Modularity, and Productivity. With smooth machining control, it effectively reduces cycle times.

Key features include a compact footprint, superior aesthetics, high metal removal rate, easy coolant and chip management, and a power spindle with various power and torque options.

1 CNC System: Fanuc Oi MF+ 
2 SpindleTaper: BT40
3 Spindle Power: 7.5/11 kW
4 Spindle Speed: 8000 rpm
5 Coolant gun
6 Air Gun
7 Ring coolant around the spindle
8 3 Tier Lamp
9 Air Nozzle with M Code
10 Front Chip Disposal (Std.) 
11 Maintainence Tool Kit
12 Front SS Strip near loading area
13 Mobile MPG (BFW Make)
14 Machine Lamp (2 Nos.)
15 Roller Type LM Guideways for all axes
16 Hardned & Ground Ball Screws for all axes
17 Automatic Centralised Lubrication System
18 Electronic counter balance
19 Full Machine Guard (Std. Colour)
20 Machine Manuals (Soft Copy)
21 Ethernet port
22 Packing 


Traverses: X/Y/Z Axes  mm 800/510/510
Distance from spindle face to table top (Std.)  mm 100-610
Table Size  mm 1000x510
T-Slot Specifications  Nos./size/ pitch  5/18/100'
Max Allowable Load on Machine Table  kgs 600
Machine Table Height from Floor mm 950
CNC Controller  - Fanuc Oi MF+
Spindle Taper  taper  BT40
Speed  rpm 8000
Power  kW 7.5/11
Tool Changing System Type  Twin arm type 
Maximum Tool Dia with all filled pots  mm 75
Maximum Tool Dia with adjacent pots empty mm 140
Maximum tool length mm 250
Maximum tool weight  kgs 8
Tool change time  sec 2.7
Rapid Traverse mm/min 40/40/40
Cutting Feed Rate  mm/min 1-10,000
Positioning Accuracy (as per ISO 230-2) mm 0.012
Repeatability  Accuracy (as per ISO 230-2) mm 0.010'
Basic Machine Dimensions (Length x Depth x Height)
- With Front Chip Disposal 
mm 2230 x 2300 x 2800
Basic Machine Dimensions (Length x Depth x Height)
- With Rear Chip Disposal 
mm 2230 x 3300 x 2800
Machine Weight (Basic Machine)  kgs  4750
Total Connected Load (Basic Machine)  kVA  28

1 4th Axis Readiness: with Drive & Cable only (cables upto machine roof top)
2 4th Axis Readiness: with Drive, Motor, Cable & PLC Software and interfacing., suitable for Rotary Table Ø200mm - UCAM make
3 4th Axis Rotary Table of Ø200mm (Make: UCAM, Model: URQ-200)
4 Pneumatic Tail Stock (Model: UTAIL-140Px, UCAM Make) - Suitable for Ø200 Rotary Table
5 Rear Coolant Tank + chip chute in lieu of Front Chip Disposal
6 Pull Studs (24 Nos.)
7 OEM Make (PCMCIA Card)
8 AC for electrical cabinet
9 Ethernet Cable of L=10m
10 Readiness for Hydraulic fixture interfacing

Sr No. Pre-Commissioning Details Download
1 Foundation layout diagram_85.pdf
2 Machine layout diagram - Front chip disposal_81.pdf
3 Machine layout diagram - Rear chip disposal_10.pdf
4 Machine lifting diagram_52.pdf
5 Oil chart_63.pdf
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